Tuesday, 11 December 2018
Week 8 Decimal Maths Party
Today we had to plan a party.
We have $200 to spend and we have to use at least $150. Next we had to figure out a theme for our party and how many people are coming and that is the plan. We had to get a heap of party items such as cups, plates, food, decor, entertainment etc.
Once we finished we got the choice to create an invitations or to draw the party.
Monday, 10 December 2018
Maths Week 5 Decimal LCS
Maths for this week was decimals. We had to create a Learn Create Share on it.
I worked with Jordana on this. First we made a video teaching you how to solve them, then we created 2 problems for you to solve.
Thursday, 6 December 2018
SLJ Paying it Forward
If I were to go back to the 1930 I would give the children education, toys to play with and I would give the adults enough food to feed them selves and their children, a house with beds , a car to fit a whole family, Health, money, some clean clothes, free food and drinks for everyone
Wednesday, 5 December 2018
Reading Week 6 Term 4 Endangered animals
In Reading we were learning about Endangered Animals.
We had to figure out what "endangered" means first.
And then list 10 endangered animals. We had to find out where they live, why are the endangered , how many are left and what we can do to save them.
We also had too put all the animals on a map too show where they are.
Global Warming,
Monday, 5 November 2018
Why We Need To Leash dogs 🐕
In literacy we had create a poster on "why should be leashing our dogs" or " Should we Ban Plastic Bags?" and say if we are against it or for it. I chose to create a poster on leashing dogs. I strongly think that we should leash our dogs.
Adding decimals And Subtracting Week 3
For week 3 in maths we were learning about decimals. We learned how to subtract decimals and add decimals . What I have learned from this week was that when you add/subtract decimals you have to add/subtract from the right. Here is my learning -
Thursday, 18 October 2018
Conservation Word cloud
For Reading we had to create a word cloud on conservation and what conservation is! Conservation is helping the environment and what you can do to help.
Here is mine
Here is mine
Wednesday, 26 September 2018
Steam Fair 2018
For topic we were learning about STEAM that why we learned about it in writing and reading. My steam group was Larissa, Armani and I and our question was will all diet sodas sink and will the counter versions sink?
We have all of the results on the slide.
Thursday, 20 September 2018
Drawing Koru
Another thing we did for Te-Reo Maori week was drawing a Koru. We had to put some things that are special to us. The first big Koru is my Dad and the second upside down Koru is my mum, she had spikes because she is fierce. The two Korus on my dad is my grand parents and the one Koru on my mum is my grandma. Me and my brother are at the bottom.
Te-Reo Maori Place names
For Te Reo Maori week we had a bunch of places in New Zealand and their Maori name. We had to search up where all these places are and put them on the map and here is mine Enjoy!
Wednesday, 19 September 2018
Week 8/9 Writing Steam
In writing we got in our STEAM groups and created all together what our experiment is. We had to know our Question, Create the Hypothesis, Materials and the Procedure. My group was Larissa, Armani and I.
Tuesday, 18 September 2018
The Ice Experiment
One of the reading tasks was to form an experiment so we got a slide and we had to fill it in as what a normal scientific experiment would say. We had to fill in the Research, Hypothesis, Equipment, Experiment, Data, Conclusion and what it would say.
Friday, 14 September 2018
Scientific Methods Reading
This is my reading about scientific methods. We had a bunch to quiz's and experiments about scientific methods and here is mine enjoy!
Week 8 Term 3 Maths
This is my maths from this week and we were learning about fractions and how to reduce fractions . On the 4th slide we had a game and we had to explain what to do.
Friday, 7 September 2018
Week 5 & 6 Reading
In reading we had a quiz to take. We had to take the quiz at week 5 and then at week 6. We also had a lot of questions to answer. The topic we were learning about was scientific methods and we are learning about scientific methods because thats what we are doing in topic!
Friday, 17 August 2018
Makey Makey
A Makey Makey is a coding device we used.
The makey makey can be connected with different things. If you have the right coding you could make a banana piano. In our class we used a makey makey kit and made a drum using play dough. Making the drum was quite hard but in the end our "drum" looked at bit like a spider but everything still worked like a drum, it had cymbals as well!
The makey makey can be connected with different things. If you have the right coding you could make a banana piano. In our class we used a makey makey kit and made a drum using play dough. Making the drum was quite hard but in the end our "drum" looked at bit like a spider but everything still worked like a drum, it had cymbals as well!
In these two weeks for reading we got video and a text to listen to and read. With them we had to identify the purpose the author was trying to tell us. Both the video and text were about who to use scratch.
Here is my slide on it.
Here is my slide on it.
Friday, 10 August 2018
Vocab Week 3
This is my Maths Vocab for this week. In maths we had to also make some paper creations that include some of these words so it was important we get the vocab done first.
Steam is an acronym for Science Technology Engineering Art Mathematics.
So we had to create a ramp and see which one is the best for speed and distance.
Monday, 6 August 2018
This is my literacy from week 1 . With our Ako Whanau groups we got a small paragraph and at the end of the week we would get together and and put the paragraph together. On slide 2 my paragraph is there and on the 3rd slide is Bens paragraph because I was scared he was going to lose it. With the paragraph we got we had some tasks to do and so there is mine.
Time Management ⏲
This is my slide about Time Management. We had to make a slide of a poster about why time management is important and how to be good at time management. Our hub is not really quick at doing things and gets in trouble a bit so learning about time management really helped us as a hub to get quicker.
Friday, 3 August 2018
How to look after animals report writing
How to look after animals
A pet is very special and it means a lot to some people so here are some tips to keep your pet living for a longer period of time and so your pet loves you more .There are many ways to look after an animal. That would include jobs like feeding it, training it and entertaining it.
The first way to look after an animal is to make sure that you are feeding it . You don't want your animal dying of starvation. You've got to make sure you have the right food cause neither do you want to give fish food to your cat. If you completely have no idea what food your animal needs just search it up and google should have results. What is really important is that you have to know what not to feed them. You really do not want to just your animal plastic or even chocolate, chocolate is really what you do not want to give your pets or they will die instantly. Make sure to check what is in your animal food you also want find out what not to feed your animal if in doubt.
Another way to take care of your animal is to train it. You want to train your pet so that it becomes a good pet and will follow your directions. You want to make sure you pet goes toilet in the correct place . Dogs are very easy to train and walk just slap on a leash and walk with it . Cats are slightly different they just run around them self. For where to train them you don't want to be training them in some kind of skate park but I mean if you are training them at a skate park and having them ride a skateboard I mean sure but I don't think that's very safe.
The last way to look after an animal is to entertain it and make sure its happy.
To entertain an animal that lives in that water I recommend having some fun and adding some cool and fun things in your tank like hoops so your animal can go through it you can also add some food at the other side. Giving your pet some little treats will make your pet very happy. You don't really want to entertain your pet for too long or then your pet will probably just want more everyday .
Entertain your pet will include giving it rubs so your pet feels good.
Animals have many different ways to look after them. They each need love feeding, training and entertaining. Have fun taking care of your animal it would be very enjoyable.
In our writing we had to create a report writing about how to take care or animals using the "E" plan. The "E" plan has the paragraphs in the middle and the top and bottom is the Conclusion and intro.
Thursday, 2 August 2018
Name | Before | After |
Ben | 42 | 76 |
Ava | 43 | 99 |
Carrie | 41 | 86 |
Monday, 25 June 2018
Life in the Hub
When we moved Into our hub we wanted to tell people what our hub is like and we use it , So I made a poem on the hub and what I like and don't like
This is one truly magnificent hub
It really is one whole club,
The hub amazing and cool as can be
If you come in the hub you would truly see
Some of my goods and some of bad
If I were to leave the hub I would truly be sad
I like that one table, the one that's very stable
The table is short and you can kneel down on it without a chair
If we didn't have those it wouldn't be fair I must say the hub is not all goods I would add some tinted windows that people can't see through from outside and maybe a speaker
If we had those we could be superb seekers
This is great so huge in its glory They call us the one and only Kauri!
The tree that give life, the tree that give grace
In here we are all winners of the race!
This is one truly magnificent hub
It really is one whole club,
The hub amazing and cool as can be
If you come in the hub you would truly see
Some of my goods and some of bad
If I were to leave the hub I would truly be sad
I like that one table, the one that's very stable
The table is short and you can kneel down on it without a chair
If we didn't have those it wouldn't be fair I must say the hub is not all goods I would add some tinted windows that people can't see through from outside and maybe a speaker
If we had those we could be superb seekers
This is great so huge in its glory They call us the one and only Kauri!
The tree that give life, the tree that give grace
In here we are all winners of the race!
Friday, 15 June 2018
Maths Words Vocab
Here is my maths! So for this week we had 4 words to figure out the meanings of and some of them were tricky but some were quite easy. Hope you enjoy!
Author Study Week 6&7
Here is my Author study for the week.
We had to pick an author and choose three things to do about the author. Here is mine!
Friday, 1 June 2018
Maths Time
This is my maths for the week.
We were learning about time and we had to use number lines.
One other thing I learned Was King Henry Died Unexpectedly Drinking Chocolate Milk
And it stands for Kilo Hecto Demi Unit Deci Cemi Millie! K H D U D C M.
Literacy week 5/6
Here is my literacy slide for the week. We had to create Venn diagrams about a few songs and here is mine, another one is a writing to the teachers. Each slide has a little explanation.
Hope you enjoy!
Thursday, 24 May 2018
In my Class we did Advertising and we made posters .
For my poster I used a persuasion texts called Celebrities, Its when you add famous people that will catch peoples attention
First we had to learn about Advertising and how to advertise. I worked with Olivet.
Hope you enjoyed it.
Monday, 14 May 2018
NZSL Writing video
For our writing we had to create a video introducing our selves and the ABC.
I did one with Olivet. I learned all the letters and colours.
In our class we had to make a word search on some words and here is mine.
Friday, 4 May 2018
My Anzac Reading
In reading we had to create a timeline of important date of WW1,
We also created a Anzac poem and a letter from the trenches if we were in the trenches . In this I learned a lot about what it is like in the trenches and how cold the weather was.
My Anzac day maths
In our school we got a whole ton of task about Anzac day and here is my maths!
In this I learned about how to make Anzac cookies and about armys
Wednesday, 2 May 2018
2018 Commonwealth games Queen speech.
Queens speech.👑
To my fellow Commonwealth Nations!
We shall come together on April 2018, not only to compete but to also strengthen our friendships that is proudly presented in Papakura Central School, New Zealand.
I would like to thank all 5 commonwealth nations, Australia,New Zealand, Canada and Malta for participating in the games this year as Cyprus is our host’s .
The Papakura Central 2018 baton relay has been sent forth from the school office to all classes on April 13 2018 as an official sign of the start of the games.
Now here is some history on the real games, Since 1930 the start of something new had begun in Hamilton, Canada. It was the start of the Commonwealth games with only 11 nations and around 400 competitors. To this day there are 71 nations with at least 5000 competitors.
I would strongly like to wish all the very best to the players in all of their games, not only to bring home medals but to bring home memories.
Our school is doing a commonwealth games and we had to create Queens speeches for the start of the games and here is mine.
Thursday, 22 March 2018
Global Warming Reading
For Reading we had to create some task on global warming, Such as creating a word cloud using special topic words found on slide 2 and the final product is on slide 3 then we created a prezi using facts, my facts are found on slide 4 and at the last page I have my prezi.
School Chant
PCS that's where were from, we are brave and we are strong,
every day!
WE ARE ALL CONNECTED And a happy happy hub
every day!
WE ARE ALL CONNECTED And a happy happy hub
My hub is my family and my family is great!
R-E-S-P-E-C-T find out what it means to me!
This is PCS! And This is what we do best!
This is my chant that we had to make for our school, I did my chant with Lily. The chant is out our school and our expectations
Friday, 16 March 2018
My Class Time Capsule
At the start of the year we created time capsules so others know a bit about our self so here is mine!
Making Bread
Room 6 7 and 8 made bread with Mr Ward, we were there because others went out to a sports day! My slide is on slide 4. Hope you enjoy!
In the End the Bread was actually quite nice and doughy 🍞
In the End the Bread was actually quite nice and doughy 🍞
Global Warming Slides
In our class our topic is change and we had to talk about the changes in Global Warming and what it is, in this slide it has what the gasses of matter, a few little posters and more. So here it is enjoy! 🔥🍦
Wednesday, 14 February 2018
In our class W.A.L.T create graphs and see what we know, we are also trying out different websites to create graphs. We got into groups of five and we choose sports for our question Here are our answers. At the bottom we did the weather for January on a line graph. This one here is a Column chart
Sports | |
Cricket | 3 |
Basket Ball | 3 |
Soccer | 7 |
I learned that January's weather is mostly very high.
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